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Multi Peril Crop Insurance

Types Of Policies



1) Provides protection for production losses due to natural causes.


2) Provides Revenue Protection as well. 


3) Projected Prices and prices at harvest are determined by the futures markets. 


4) Producer's History is used to determine the guaranteed revenue per acre. 



Revenue Protection

Yield protection



1) Provides protection for production losses due to natural causes.


2) Provides Yield protection. 


3) The same manner as APH policies, except a projected price determines insurance coverage.




1)  Insure producers against yield losses due to natural causes.


2)  Producer's History is used to determine the guaranteed yield per acre.  

Actual production historY

Information is taken off the official RMA Website



9865 S. Priest Drive Suite 101

Tempe, AZ 85284



2069 E Ranch Road

Tempe, AZ 85284



Office: 480-491-1444

Fax: 480-491-3100



Thanks for submitting!

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